A   R   A   T    H    A    I    A

                 T H E     P A N D A'S      N O T E   B O O K

 Manual for the 3rd Millennium parents, grandparents and teachers     in charge of THE GOLDEN CRIATURE's education.


                                           To LIBERTAD-ARATHÍA, MATÍAS
                                           and Alejandra JARAMILLO.
                                           In fulfillment of the Promise


                          Blessed are those who take a leap
                       Towards the Future.

                                      THE MOTHER

                         It is rebirth that gives to the birth
                       Of an incomplete body its promise
                       Of completeness and its spiritual

                                      SRI AUROBINDO

                          “The Life Divine: The Philosophy of Rebirth”                                                                              

In the cycle that has just started which has being named by the great majority as "The Aquarian Era Cycle" -or perhaps it should rather be called by its “other” name:  THE AWAKENING OF TERRA, that is to say, GAIA, our Planet, the Universe in which animate and inanimate beings live- there are some people that have already started to be aware of things'conciousness.
 Naturally, there are some others that stuff themselves, instead, with plentiful repast, without getting a clue about the meaning of nutrition.  Oblivious, are this people, of the inner importance of their body's breaths.  Or the Supreme's Abode, as the ancients did call the Dwelling of the Spirit.  They are completely unaware of any Sacred Temple, whatsoever.  And mind you: we don't intend to bring upon the subject of all the nasty ingredients that human body had received in other levels of its consciousness. 
 An endless issue, I'm afraid.
 I'm reluctant to believe that in today's hygienic alphabet still exist that element so treasured by the ancient inhabitants of Gaia, who thousands of years ago nurtured their limbs with air, fire, mud, which later on got nourished by God's nutriment: Prana.  The Great Breath. That is to say: the Ether.  The unseeing substance we can perceive nevertheless.  Or breathe, even without being aware of it.   Or should we rather say we totally dismiss: as if there's only a transient gift from God to our terrestrial atmosphere.  Therefore, as soon as we wake up the physiologic machinery starts functioning. 

 And that's it. 
 So, air gets through our body.   Our heart stirs up and then, of course, the rest of the organs do accordingly, thus human beings can start our day.  We just rise up...  and off we go!
 With great exceptions, though.
 I'm far away from trying to unsettle you and perhaps to tamper on your judgment. I don’t intend to get inside your rational security.  Nor hinder your mind, as such.   That's not at all my wish.  Nor my commitment, that's for sure.  Otherwise I barely will reach what it appears to be my destiny, which is to leave a "quire of paper" to parents, grandparents and teachers of children of this Planet Earth: in which we will explain the many things that urge them to know.  
 This children started their "massive descend" since 2002.
 A fact that as it has been shown the great mass still ignores, so far.  And that's a personal perception.  But what it's crystal clear to all, I think: the knower and the bold, the wiser and the dummies.  Whoever wants to walk throughout this path with hope and stubborn purpose, will see, perceive, and even touch with humble heart, that this "reality", this time... is different, my friends.
 And sooner or later we might seek for an answer. 
 Perhaps a symbol written on the wall...? 
In a persistent way we should take action, together.

 It is a fact for many of us, today, that Planet Earth has just received a precious offering.  And that might be what we desperately were longing for, after so many centuries of begging. It has been announced some times in such a loudly way, I think.  And as a top secret, some others.  Mysterious, puzzling and so strange the mystery of all ages,[1] as Sri Aurobindo would predict it.  
 We can add, perhaps: the "everlasting return" of the Open Consciousness.
 And that implies a great suspense, indeed.
 Half way and running through the Earth's byroads I had perceived this mystery as a magnifier looking-glass. Something that will reveal to us that which is beyond that, it is exactly the same... but contrariwise... like the Cheshire cat explained to Alice.  And yes, of course.  Why not?  I must confess, I have been always wondering about.
 And yet, it seemed -century after century- like there was no other way.  That our world is what it is.  Great machinery, well oiled. That will be refueled for ever, as they said.  The pundits said it: isn't it?  Such powerful statements… we should ponder on such a "half-way" intrinsic truth. 
 Nevertheless, my friends, the Paradigm showed-up. So rampant, seems to be. So solid and ostensibly proclaiming it’s Presence in this Planet.  I do believe unyieldingly, on what is NOW so tangible for me.  It encircles the Planet as an unruffled, glowing essence, even if still remains invisible for many. 

 So you can decide, of course, among its range of possibilities. All the potential facts that seem to point to galaxies and worlds we never dare to dream of, even if fairy tales, bewitching songs and some weird films have been projecting us a glance, along the way.  Either you can just leave them seasoning, wherever gets you a little bit of a hard time to gnaw.  Or take it.
 And we'll see...

 At this height of the road we shouldn't be questioning ourselves about "the thing" that Planet Earth had been "received in permanence".  Because it's obvious, I insist.  Even thought, THE RACE that "descends" upon the Planet is not so easy to understand.  Neither is handy to assume our readiness for it, because we're not, indeed.  We are not aware, so far, of the "tools" that these children are carrying with.
 Within, that is to say. 
 From the so called NEW ERA, only remains the bits and pieces of some bastions, that lies among the ashes.  Because they went to war, we know.  They "went" and then "came back" those hippies with their heads ornate with the garlands, their songs of celebration. Celebration to life.  To Love.  To Nature, in her sacredness.  We still remember them.  Their hugs, that had hold such a tender and permanent affection.  They greeted us with it.  Or said "farewell, my brother..." so eager to make us conscious about who really came to visit us those days.
 Nocturnal angels, they are. 


 I think we named them so, in almost all the languages. So "the terrible angels" landed on this Earth bearing the illusion on their backs.  And they were sent away, without the glory and grief that they so much deserved.
 An ancient story, though.
 But I'm afraid it fits.  It gets compatible, in perfect synchronicity with the predictions of our ancestors.  That would announce their impeccable "arrival" in the world of today.  In the so call Planet Earth, where human beings are striving for survival.  They call that, LIFE.  That is: to live.  They are making an attempt, would be the right expression, because to live as such... I don't believe is feasible.


 Our proposal is as follows...
 And I just say, our... because as far as this enterprise will prevail I'll not be alone, in no way.  And will be so, because I'm guided by my Being.  It comes surrounded by great hopes and I might say that a perplexed dumbness takes over, when it gazes through my eyes at the inscrutable Paradox which haunts humanity this days.  No place to hide.  The paths, the roads, the fields, the woods, even the peaks of mountains, will get its echoes of discomfit. 
 We dream.  My Being and I, that is.
 My Being's images are lucid, they come as fast as thunderbolts, full of delightful care and immense laughter, as soon as it gets the real meaning of the adventure.   As far as it can see the arrival of this children, translucent, restless, new, and holding all the answers nobody want to hear, it seems.   Or almost none, I say.

We should ask them about, don't you think so?
And that will be the FIRST ISSUE.
And last -but not the least- to understand without understanding, WHY DID THEY ARRIVED TO THIS EARTH, precisely at this Hour of a Permanent Grief.



The Panda's Note Book is compounded in THREE PARTS, or elements.
1. - COLOR.
2. - IMAGE.
3. - SOUND.

To these three frequencies we will add -instinctively- what we're going to call: THE WINDS'S DANCE.  We could also qualify it as The Pranic Dance of the Universe.  Or in a last instance, we could simply name it: The Secret Opening of the Heart.

 Nothing simple, they may say.  And of course it's not.  But I would say this: why don't you try a little bit and you'll see by yourselves, that the results are convenient, in a short period of time.  I'll dare to predict that in only few days this new creatures will respond to this energetic dynamic pulse which such a docile attitude.  With an enormous heart to heart’s love.  That has to be "reverted", obviously, into rivers of trust.  As well as permanent, solid day to day effort; because not even for an instant can not they be abandoned.

 THE GOLDEN CRIATURE, the New Race of Planet Earth[2], I do repeat it tirelessly, has made its "permanent entrance".  And we have to preserve them this time from the destruction of their exterior vehicle, which is the must latent threat.  The must appalling, I would say.  But my Being reassures me day by day, when I watch them passing by so cheerfully and delightful, so pert and bold, or calm and silent like a Trappist monk, proudly contemptuous, I assume... They bring the Seal of the Worlds, murmurs to me my Being so I do firmly believe it.  Because He is the One who has carried me till this parcel of the road and my "service" is to assist Him.

 THE GOLDEN CRIATURE, I insist, can not resist much longer the night pollution of the radioactive energy which floats around the Earth.  Neither will they live in consonance with its BEING, unless we “withdraw that anomalous sound that starts “persecuting” him since the cradle.  That tremendous noise that we welcome them with, rarely noticing the fact that they bring silence, as a "sense" on plus.  It dwells within, as it were a humming bird.  As a butterfly fluttering around, but there's not sound. No.    There is only COLOR and FORM.
 Only THAT.
 Let's understand this fact, though.  We shouldn't try to caress that baby with emotional gestures and nuzzles, because in less than two seconds their Aura will get "disintegrated". I formally declare to you:  they are "golden creatures", who bring the LIGHT OF THE SUN in their diagram. We should better think about humming to them, the way the grandmothers did long ago.  Mine, never stopped.  And it is because of that, I may say, this ancient recycled memory has a boundless debt with.  We don't have to rush using background music.  Unless it may that be the birds’ chirping.   Or wave sounds.  Or whale's songs accompanied by flute's music.  Terry Oldfield, the British musician, had offered to us a marvelous range of sounds coming from animals and Earth's elements, accompanied by his flutes.  That would be of great help and you might get it easily through Internet.  One of his most extraordinary pieces, Reverence, gets into a rare synchronic-energetic field which sifters are hardly known, so far.  And that "sifter", indeed, is what the few months creature needs at the very moment of that internal silence’s “opening".

 I want to explain that to you.  The GOLDEN creature doesn't function with the inferior brain.  It should be better if we employ the term: THE INFERIOR MIND.  Because the GOLDEN creature operates with something that Sri Aurobindo called THE SUPRAMENTAL BODY.[3]  That is precisely something beyond "mind".  It is really a "perception", which the brain of the new arrival creature gets.  It is something that filters without the brain been permeated, though, by the current that it receives.  Thus little by little, the people who have the task of welcome and assist them in their first THREE YEARS of life, will get the meaning of this issue.  And that's actually the point.   We should try the MOST in order for those three "sealed cycles" -that comes in first place after their arrival- not to become a non reparable trauma or a non compensated synchronicity, because these creatures bring along with their personal expression, a precise rhythm.  A breath which is different from ours -let's put it that way- so an unhealthy "confluence" of information must be avoided.  They don't need that, at all...!

 Therefore, it would be damaging to begin with the setting of noisy elements around.  Not to mention the visiting of foreign people, who will add only layers of pollution to their fragile aura.  We have to get used to it again, like in ancient times... a new born has to be caressed only by its own family.  The grandmother must of all.  The ones who are just arriving are indeed "ancient people".  And they will acknowledge right away those who preceded them, because they had come in advance in order to help this Golden Creature to be COMPREHENDED, without any delay.
 TO UNDERSTAND the New Race is an urgent priority.

 At the moment of "birth", this GOLDEN CREATURE receives its first "initiation". That is, Fire.  Earlier, meanwhile it is dwelling in its biological mother womb; it gets Water and Air's baptism.   I'll try to explain this sort of weird concept, though.  Or Regula Nova.  You may be compelled to change our way of naming it.  That's not a problem.  Our concern is about the phenomenon, because "a phenomenon" it is.
 The precedent Race emerged from an anomalous energy which has been qualified with countless epithets.  "The Falling Race", we may say it is the widest known among today's human race.  It lost its compass point. The North, let's say.  And then, they lost the East as well.  And on the top of it, it didn't get one word about the meaning of the South.  The West still remains something to be discovered.  And so, it is now that we had reached that precious "cosmic and galactic instant" in which we finally will get the deepest knowledge about an additional element of the living nature that contains us. That guides us.  And that feeds us, of course.
In such a way, the Golden Creature gets ready for its "emergence".
 Among a chaotic delirium, we may say.  This Planet is about to reach  the highest point of extinction -in human terms, that is to say- but I'm not going to repeat what has become the talk of the town, in our days.
 I'll be focused on our subject: the Fire's initiation. 
 The Consecrated Fohat[4] at the very first moment, when it sprouts out from its biological mother's womb.  In such a way it reaches -in an instant that is unprecedented, so far- a "detonative" expansion.  The mother doesn't know but has always the feeling that this creature "knows something", from the very beginning. Science doesn't understand it.  Nevertheless it has been lately pointing out -vaguely- at certain symbols, or codes, or just "patterns" of behavior that remained unknown till our days.
 Science keeps still, yet.
 But knows by instinct that a change is imminent... there's not any doubt, whatsoever.  We had reached the peak of our evolutionary path.  Therefore we are entering a field that is consecrated by the Fire, and its "corresponding" breath.  We are going, as well, into a deep energetic impulse.  Let’s say, we shall go through an "exit" -not an "entrance", though- of Fire's "everlasting" energy.  And THAT will imply the Consecration to the BEING that insufflates us.  That guides us.  Loves and "penetrates" us, in each instant of its breathing. The Golden Creature doesn’t have any doubt about the infinite power of its Essence.  From far away we can perceive that, even now, due to the behavior of the Race that starts to blossom in our days.  Or just to emerge, if I may say. 

  It is not easy to understand.
  Thus the people who came along with the purpose of assisting them in this adventure: us, that is... are going to experience that.  We'll love them with our soul. Nor with the body burdened by fears, neither charged with doubt that in a fraudulent way will suffocate what this unique Creature brings as a gift, to us.  
 The gift of the Word, we may foretell.  And as a gift of the Supreme Maker, we know: because it comes "to build", into this new Libertarian Space.
 It's own.
 It's Race's own.

 So, we arrive at the beginning of a new Cycle in Planet Earth.
 With the Creature that knows almost everything, from the very instant the Golden Portal "opens" and will receive it, "in permanence".  From which it will never run away as so many of its predecessors did, because the Seal it brings won't allow it to withdraw.
 It is a PURPOSE, I repeat.
 It doesn't carry with it something which for eons[5] the earlier races brought to Earth: free will.  It doesn't know it.  No.
 This time they are the guardians. They are not going to "repent". Or get mess up with intense perceptional mistakes. They cannot retract from what they had promised before they'd been born.  And we assume, of course, that whoever is reading us accepts "reincarnation's" principle. It will be easier for them so they'll reach virtual and metaphysical results. Vital results as well as Pedagogical.  It would help, as well to take away that pain in the neck, that is to say: a shift of band's frequency.  From a hard disk that we are carrying since immemorial times which is so badly damaging us, screwing up the screws in a everlasting turn of screw.  That is to say, again... to change the Paradigm.
Thus, that means to reach Life in other TONE.
 There's no other the intention of this Golden Group that approaches the Planet, in spite of no matter what. 

 They come with the IDEA of removing the insanity stone from our "mind".  What about that...!  A literary task, as some people will say, I have no doubt.  And a task is, ladies and gentlemen. Indeed.  An excess of Pragmatism or a wide open flight fantasy, I'm afraid we must understand it: without grasping anything at all.  As we have stated earlier, this creature doesn't possess the same mind as the race that is about to perish, has.
 The SUPERMIND is in ambush.  Or in it’s far down dynamic place.
 We might say better: it lies in the words of that wise, visionary and great enlightened being which Essence of Light dwelled in the Absolute's Tone: Sri Aurobindo.

 But why should it be a succession of human births and not one alone? For the same reason that has made the human birth itself a culmination point of the past succession, the previous upward series, -it must be so by the very necessity of the spiritual evolution. For the soul has not finished what it has to do by merely developing into humanity; it has still to develop that humanity into its higher possibilities.

         ... There may be a higher or at least a larger possibility which the          Divine intends yet to realize in man, and, if so, it is the steps built by     these highest souls which were needed to compose the way up to it          and to open the gates.

         ... This possibility becomes a certitude if the present leading principle     of the mind has man has developed it, the intellect, is not his highest       principle.  If mind itself has other powers as yet only imperfectly         possessed by the highest types of the human individual, then a         prolongation of the line of evolution and consequently of the      ascending line of rebirth to embody them is inevitable.  If Supermind      also is a power of consciousness concealed here in the evolution, the      line of rebirth cannot stop even there; it cannot cease in its ascent      before the mental has been replaced by the Supramental nature and       an embodied Supramental being becomes the leader of terrestrial         existence.

Therefore, there's no way that this principle called by Sri Auborindo Supramental, can avoid incarnation, as he reassures us on his skilful vision as a leader and great Master, that came along with The Mother, in order to get that ready.  His Work provides us with the evidence.  His doings affirm so. There's no doubt whatsoever in each word of his Integral Yoga about the form and the dimension of his great span libertarian proposal. What we are living today are latent signs of that new structure he announces.  Little lines on the water, some might say.  But signs, they are, ladies and gentlemen.  And time is ripe for it.  The process is in progress.  We are on scheduled.  We go forward.
 But we must watch over.

 The Aura of the Things, as well as the animated being’s aura, varies color according to elemental principles, today.  We know that it is possible not only to perceive it but to get a direct vision: to make a print of it, as in the case of the Kirlian's.  A Russian couple, who at the beginning of the XXth Century succeeded on showing to the world that such a phenomena was not an optical illusion but instead something tangible, -visible, that is to say- throughout photography.  A great step, though, for the pragmatic, methodical Western Science that finally had to acknowledge what ancient schools had been for centuries affirming.
 Each being brings its own color.
 Or it would be better if we say: the reflection of what we are come along in a subtle way, of course, but for must part of the people in our days it is not anymore a secret of the invisible world.   Of the 4th dimension, let's put it that way.  It can be seen without great effort for those that had developed the "perception" on the Third Eye, or Sixth Chakra.  Thus Science goes forward[6] towards a more suitable path, less inflexible in their norms and concepts, which were once extremely focused towards a progressive mechanism through machines, robots and a variety of wonders -we won't deny many of them, indeed- because in this precise moment, it is more than necessary to get these two components together.  Plain Science and the other: the one that holds esoteric-psychic-scientific components.  Which has been named as "Alternative Science": where the ancient knowledge from the East, in its best known derivatives such as Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Reiki, Pranayama, Hata Yoga, Meditation, and a large series of elements -massages, structuralizing of the bones, chiropractic, "rebirthing", Chakra Reactivation through water experiences such as Wat-Zu- and many others of such a rare quality and extraordinary efficiency, which had been applied with the best of results.  We don’t have any doubt about its positive outcomes, whatsoever. 

 We would love to escort those who start today this marvelous task with open hearts and full of hope, because in it abides that which has been called: the future of the Planet we leave on.   So now we are going to focus upon our Guide's First TONE, which aim is to provide help to whoever in our days has the responsibility to “withstand” the entrance of this GOLDEN RACE in our Planet Earth.
We are going to emphasize over three proposals:
1. - Flexibility and a fix vision on the intent.
2. - Internal and external relaxation.
3. - Patience.
 And we indicate that it abides on "it" -THE GOLDEN RACE, that is- because on the whole, this Race is a new expression of The Divine, as Sri Aurobindo stated.  We cannot miss this opportunity.  It would be a complete blunder.  Or an adroitness, as my grandmother would say.  A wise woman, by the way, that would be a magnificent guide in this New School, if she would be still on her physical body.  Because on the other, the "angelic one" is going to help us a lot, I'm sure.  As all the grandmothers that left us long ago, predicted.  All of them will give us a hand in this enterprise.
 We must trust.

 As wise people stated long ago: COLOR by itself DOESN'T EXIST. And they add: "it only exist thanks’ to the reflection of the light."  And we prefer to leave it that way.   Without any reluctance, as far as we had experienced it, all cats are dark gray by night... Indeed.   Every single thing changes by night time.  The Moon arrives -some times- the stars, some sky walkers visits us, as dreams we might perceive them, so we get "hidden messages."  They would say that it is just fantasy, of course.  On these  matters, the GOLDEN RACE is going to be a great Master due to an open Chakra[7] it possess, which has not been perceptible till our days.  Not because we didn't get it.  But because it has been so concealed, so banished within the boundless night beyond time, that has been a "Romans’ task" as grandmothers used to say, to make it to return to this Planet.   They will be totally sane and preserved, besides that.
 In today’s wise people's opinion, COLOR in its "highlighted" frequency could really move mountains.  I do, as well, believe fiercely so.  Because if at these heights of history we don't share with all wisdom's paths and start over to build up the possibilities that each period of time had thought us within their positive structures and their search towards a real change of Consciousness, we are badly routed, I'm afraid.  This Race didn't come to waste its time, I insist.
 Neither that have arrived all of the sudden.  Just out of the blue.  As if it was summer rain.                                                                                                                                                                          
 Because this GOLDEN RACE, has been "prepared" for centuries upon centuries.  Either we understand it, or not.  Either we believe it, or not.  But at the end we have to demonstrate that as a race that receives such a precious gift... or it would be better if we say: who got a promise that became a reality, because it has been pledged to us by many voices, visionaries and "makers of the program" -among other predictions, such as the Mayans and the most advance Amerindian’s Cultures- we should demonstrate, as I said earlier, that we are ready.
 Otherwise, we should prove that we long for it so badly.  And that we are looking forward to "accomplish" this commitment, with open heart and plenty of hope.  
 We are going to need a lot of help.
 And help we'll get, no doubt.
COLOR, then, has Seven Tones.  They can be recognized by people that have vision: and those will be the tones of that magnificent phenomenon that we have called RAINBOW.  Therefore, there are several variations.  And we would say that new colors had been manifesting on these days.  Yes, they had.  All of the sudden it seems that a very bold sort of tonalities had been shown, lately.  Almost as if they were invented by a Supreme Master Painter.  A Leonardo?  A Rafael?  Perhaps a Zurbaran, or Goya, or Velasquez?  Without leaving Fray Angelico behind.  Master Painters are knower, indeed.  We gathered that already.  And this RACE, ladies and gentlemen, to say it right away, has -him or her- the painter's knack, like nothing!  They are outstanding painters, since birth.  Without any exception, we may say.  If we start by inviting them from a very early age to scribble in an empty peace of paper, we will remain astonished about the results.  Try it.
 These new creatures get COLOR in their ADN, as an "expansive mission".  That will be the term we dare to settle for.  But this term will obviously oscillates, once this extraordinary fact becomes clearer, in years to come.   We use "expansive mission", because we consider that at this very moment, the EXPANSION of its BEING is asking for an extremely powerful acceleration of the Initial Diagram.
 Everything has a beginning, though.
 And don't we ever forget: this Race is completely new.
 We shouldn't miss the point, which is indeed the reality we're already laying our hands on. That right now we’re living.  We are assisting day by day, to the more and more frequent arrival of these extraordinary creatures, who get its senses arranged in the utmost ineffable way, so graciously and controlled in their fundamental expression: the body they come along with, that is to say.  What a gift!  We repeat.  What a way of lodging in their omniscient territories, these blessed creatures have. Every time they make full display of their rage.  Or crack the sky with their divine laughter.  Little beings use to be like that... they will say.   They look so lovely at the beginning.  It is not so, I’m afraid. They are not “little beings” -to start with- those powerful creatures.  That’s not at all our perception. And we’re not alone in this adventure of “perceiving” those who came to make us company in this chaotic moment, everywhere…  So depleted of Consciousness, this moment is.
 Or... do we have one?

 Therefore, this has been “The Panda’s Note-Book” motivation.  To escort through this pages the people who already got the vision of this "shift" and decided to take over this endeavor.  Our enterprise starts, as we said earlier, within the mother’s womb.  Because it is between 0 to 3 years old that this new creature will settle down in its domains to use an ancient say: so it will be the almighty sovereign.  And will establish its unique TONE.  That is beyond discussion.  Therefore, it is essential to consider this period as the FUNDAMENTAL STAGE.
 It will be nothing less.  And might it be nothing more. 
 Neither can we leave behind the assessing factor during the nine months of the pregnancy period, as a great "entrance" to knowledge.  Because within its mother's womb these beings perceive, even realize, the first designs of what will be, one day, its life.  We might need to comprehend this principle. It is not only an adventure of the imagination, it is a component of the Paradigm, I'm afraid: either we shred it with our minds, or we are simply ready to help these beings, without any delay.  In the meantime, though, "the fool of the House"[8] will probably get her way to vainly discern about the validity of this hallucinating process, that in our days humanity has to go through  totally unaware, or without giving any relevance to it -we should say better- so the whole ground will collapse, as in an alluvium episode.
  In such a case, we will unbalance the great realization of the GOLDEN RACE.  No doubt. We will question its skills beyond the extraordinary; it’s unusual wisdom at such an early age, its unyielding soul, the thrilling way they look at this existence, the things they are surrounded with.  And that's not a matter of children losing their "enthusiasm" for things and beings around them, because it is its vital center that makes them inquisitive, restless: that's not at all the point.  It would be better if we evaluate that Race's "restlessness"-which is the factor that apparently upsets so much to those in charge of their guidance in its first stage- as something that is focused towards an ineffable something, too much "encapsulated", so far.
 It doesn't exist, in our days, a possible electromagnetic field with the ability of decoding this equation.  But contrariwise, we'll become aware of how within the universe of invisibility, those beings get primordial assistance.   This fact is getting proved, little by little. 
 The possibility to get into this frame with the due skillfulness that this issue deserves, will be unfolded by them.  Because nobody else than he or she, is going to be able to get into the design.  In the secret diagram of their dreams and all the adventures experienced in other levels of reality.
The level of Consciousness is too high.
 Not even on esoteric grounds would be easy for us to obtain a pragmatic outcome, we may say.  We should, therefore, unloose as well the Gordian[9] knot -indeed an arid but unavoidable task- that this premise holds.  The GOLDEN RACE doesn't posses a "certain pranic principle", ergo[10] IT DOESN'T EXIST: if we are to support one of the utmost "landed" and more pragmatic philosophers of the XX Century's syllogism : I think, ergo, I exist.[11]
This race doesn't think, ladies and gentlemen.  Ergo, IT IS.
That is for us, as clear as it sounds.   No matter how eccentric this concept may resonate to you, these days.
 The "Matrix Cell" which had been looking for the most mature stage in our Human History, with the assistance, of course, of powerful Light Workers -because it has been within the highest levels of Consciousness where this search got shaped- doesn’t have a structure that Science of today would be able to recognize.  Or acknowledge, let's put it that way.  Its "determined substance quality" has not been yet codified, neither its way of been classified will be a spontaneous achievement, without getting the issue diverted from its "ordering principle", thought. Thus it will be manipulated in opposite direction to its purpose, as some people turn from the trail of course, try to make us believe -as if  they had got into the so much desirable target area- so it will be easy from now on to make a quantum leap in what we have called evolution, so far.
 It is not as simple as it sounds.  We don't think so, really.
Because if we look to the landscape from below, from that tiny place where our lowest consciousness tirelessly works, we won't see the light beyond the tunnel, even though we wish to dig and dig over and over. So that look should change, as well, its "frequency".  Its asymmetrical angle, as the astronauts would call it: when observing at the Earth from a fix point in space, are able to describe it.  Or perceive its structure in a more objective way than the ones who walked daily through it, street by street, path by path, wood or river, plains or sea.  We can see it, that's true.  But flat.  And it is really a great relief that in our days we don't need to call mad to no one, nor to send to bonfires those who discuss today about the Earth's shape, or matter solidity, or in cases such as the "more advance realm of existence's" issue: or more intangible, as we had said about the aura.
 Personally, I'm very grateful with the Kirlian's for the enormous service they had delivered to humanity on this last Century.  Thanks’ to that we had advanced so much, indeed.  As in the case of Einstein: when he stated -even if we, the neophytes, couldn't get a deep look into the theorem- that every single thing, is relative.  And with that, he was sealing one of the mysteries that this humanity of everyday's life and daily bread, for centuries upon centuries tried to discover, even though something of the sort had been already proclaimed by the Zen's philosophy Masters.  Or the Veda’s teachings.[12]  As well as certain glimpse of Hermes Trismegistus’s[13], or Zoroaster’s [14] power and discoveries, that had been hold in sacred books of Gnostic[15] Schools.  Those were using a different language, obviously. Or they were, perhaps, in another realm of Consciousness.   Because there was no need, then, for making ordinary people go through that "golden wheel" of knowledge, as there was a danger of non desiderable "portals" opening.  That is to say, not suitable for mistrust races, or manipulative, or simply ignorant beings with an obsessive longing: to get power. 
 And – to say the least- that has been always a bit dangerous. 
 Boys and girls of the GOLDEN RACE should decode the "superposed worlds" as a primary school or university subject, without even intending to do so.  In our days this phenomenon has been also named as "parallel worlds" by some scholars on psychic-energetic topics.  Because this children had come, as well, to help us to transcribe -in a different way- the elementary codes that this final stage race never achieved to get in contact with.  Or had never imagined, it would a better way of wording it.  With some quite notable exceptions, I have no doubt.  Those new beings will discuss about these matters which such a grace and volatility in their substance, that will be just a delight to listen to their talks.
 If in reality we want to listen to what they came to say.
 Because that is, indeed, another matter.

 Our capacity in these days -we insist- of having the needed patience to "tolerate" a series of auric "misplacements", because we don't get used to such a whirling.
 "They scream too much…..."  "They are smart, no doubt, but pretty unbearable, these guys, they look as if they were electric wires and they don't stop their chatting once they had decided so.  But there's no way to make them talk, when she or he decides: no way..."  "These creatures accept no discipline, whatsoever, there's no way of getting them to understand the school's rules..."  "They are stubborn like hell!  There is not a god almighty that can get them into reasoning, when they choose to be the ones that get in their pockets all the arguments!"  "What in Earth are we going to do?"
 Well...  for a third time: PATIENCE. 
 Or perhaps we would dare to use a word that fits in our story, which the general public has been so scared about.  Because it goes the way it goes, ladies and gentlemen.  Either their way, that is.  Or nothing, I’m afraid. 
 Absolute Love[16] is our due to this RACE, which now lands in our territories, almost without given notice. 
 Or yes, they did... but we didn't want to read those sign post.
 Love of all Loves, as my grandmother, who handled her existence according to that rule, would say.  I might be lucky, no doubt.  I wait for an epiphany since life gave me that gift, or was it from the gods? I'd been wondering so frequently. We would like the guides and parents of these little beings with such an ancient soul, who carries on its shoulders -by the way- the great wisdom of all times, to understand this fact: the first thing is RESPECT.
 A huge.  Endless.  Infinite and ever present respect, we owe to them.
 The Golden Rule from its very first breath.  And so, we might start applying this principle right from the cradle, and throughout the early stages of its developing years. When it seems an unprotected being, so minimal in its outer expression, but mind you:  aware of every sound, perceiving it so deeply.  And the most unbelievable -not to say the most terrifying- is indeed the fact of how it grasp "life's sense", the "game" that plays this level of reality, where he or she starts its own experience as an incarnate being in human substance.
It's not at all comfortable, no.
It's not so easy for you to understand.  Or just to carry on with this experience.  Right till the bottom.  Focus on the only one beat: his and hers, because "Absolute Love" demands everything, without any concession on emotional grounds.
 It doesn't have that Center "shaken", that creature.
 The "Emotional Center" in these boys and girls, arrives with a hue not yet identified by the Psychiatric Science, which among several other sciences aims to get the whole of this phenomenon: which right now is falling upon them as an avalanche and doesn't seem to cease, at least for a while.
 In fact this GOLDEN RACE "descends" with the golden matrix, or pro-genesis cell.  And we will expand on that a little:
 The "pro-genesis cell" protects the physical body from rage's fulgurations.  From the intense fires of that hate, that our miserable race has been maintaining for centuries upon centuries, after so many fratricides wars.  In such a way this "element" -which is a new protector- accomplished its functions and gets articulated on the brain at a progressive pace.  Whoever posses that, doesn't need to think.
  It acts, that's it.  It knows. And that's it.  As once upon a time that "Infused Science" was called, it works through osmosis.  It is a genetic "diluted-cell", because it doesn't have any trace of visibility.  It could, as well, be qualified as an "anomalous-cistersis", or dislocated shape, according to the translation of the ancient Chaldean wise men, who in their "vision of the future" foresaw that notable event.
 The "detractor-race" or "race without a measure", as they stated. This fact is due to a lack of historical records in the Akashic Archives.[17]  This is because this experience has not been classified by the human race in none of the conceived parameters, although this "experiment" had been introduced to the Universal Consciousness, as one of the possible "benevolent evolution factors" of Planet Earth.
 Gaia, that is to say.
 So the terrestrial entity had recovered in this cycle its Higher Consciousness and now functions without any whatsoever dependence on the race that now occupies the planet.  Thus, it recycles itself.  It "possess itself", let's say.
And praise the Lord...! My grand mother would exclaim.                                                                                                                            

 We were talking about COLOR as the first MEASUREMENT in the assistance's "diagram", for the beings of the GOLDEN RACE.
 We hope it remains clear, that this "soundless resonance" extends in a miraculous way its external expression over the human creature, when it gets really into its center.  That is to say, when it opens its consciousness to the intense healing that it bears, allowing in such a way that "color" in its Golden Essence picks up all the garbage that we had been accumulating during the day, let's say, and make us recovered the Clear Aura.   Let it cure our Being and leave the body with less density.  Because both of them, benefits from it.
 For the GOLDEN RACE, COLOR expression is an essential factor.  The race of today has to make a halt on its current path in order to decide which road it should come along.  Either the former it was traveling along with or the one that sign posts are showing us. This is no a new knowledge, at all.  Let's point it out that those signs, that in old times were generating a kindness and an harmonic aura's consciousness, right now became more visible -perhaps less mislaid, would be more accurate to say.
 Indeed, the ISSUE here is HARMONY.
 The Harmonic Consciousness, as such, can lead the whole World to its Synthesized Truth.  A fact, of course, that would be of great help to everyone: starting by Mother Nature, so constrained, so flogged, so looted... and so forth.  We are not going to extend in such a deceitful reality, because the turning point to reverse that dark vision -the blindly look that humans of today are holding, still- is knocking at the door.  Yes.  And it will be thanks’ to the New Race that we will achieve this feat.
 Ladies and gentlemen: there's no doubt, whatsoever.
 Not for us, at least.
 I have being walking around the World, from Mecca to Medina, my back pack on my shoulders, gazing and gazing, that's a fact.  Chatting and talking with peoples of all kinds.  And writing down, by the way, any sort of adventures and experiences: because I had to keep alive that memory.  I had to get a look into my pilgrim consciousness's polarities, which never made any concession to none of those enigmas that were performing before her. Either, yes. Or may be NO.  It's what it always says that tiny voice within.  And I listen to her, so loudly now, so poignant, that doubt doesn't have room on me, I may say. Thus doubt doesn't fit in this new Paradigm.  It would be foolish.
 It would be "worst than a crime, a blunder[18]".
 So we return to COLOR, as a first NOTE.
 Later on, we'll make a little diagram about the way we can use COLOR in this primary guide. In this intent to approach to open modules: or advance schemes, that is to say.

 SHAPE is the next step to learn about Things’ great mystery.  With an immense simplicity we can gradually discovered the marvels of shape, in all its articulate expression.  That is to say, not only as a sketch. Or figure.  It is, as well, "the center".  Its "radiance", let's put it on that way. It has a significant relationship, of course, with the subject we were talking about earlier: the aura. Thus these new creatures hold "knower's gift", in the same simple manner as the flower "knows" the day and time she opens to the Omnipotent Father: my granny dixit, which is clear.  She anticipated everything, whatsoever.  Because grandmothers are that way, we ought to grant them much more confidence.  To give them back the control of the house whenever this New Race gets into the picture.  They will go so delighted back to school, that's for sure. They will be ready to learn again what they forgot, to know once more about the water's rhythms which their grandmothers knew, from A to Z... There was not a puzzling thing for them.  Listen to the winds.  And to the silence... ohhh...!  It might be so much to dig out from those crumbly chests of drawers, trunks in the attic, and loose leaves from diaries of wayfarers who one day passed by throughout the Earth, leaving behind the memories of ancient peoples. 
Why not...?

SHAPE is on its way of becoming a Sacred Symbol, now.  As it was Geometry for the ancients.  The same as it is a Greek temple’s architrave. Or a gothic cathedral is.
That is because as we have said before, SHAPE right now begins to get more clarified.  It starts to show up its "portals", fearlessly.  Its invisible limits, we may say.  And these new creatures "see" them, in a blink of an eye.  It's not only a perception.  But they describe that in such a natural and poise way, as only a king would manifest its "kingdom's property".  Because ladies and gentlemen: to them belongs THE KINGDOM.   Believe it, or not.
We're not going to convince you.
We want only to comment on what we had been listening in all the pathways, since our hectic childhood till now -which is a solemn redundancy- because that "time" is gone, indeed.  We fear so.  It remains so little, though.  So if "future" has a face of its own, we better have a look, right now, before it fades away: as watercolors that once were hanging on the terrace's wall so, all of the sudden,   the wind got for a ride a little drizzle and  schuss...!   We have to comfort each other, though, if that "future" doesn't happen to be the drawing we have dreamt of.   We had seen that before.  We have touched it, I mean: throughout so many dreams our generation had to hold to.  It's not easy to say no to an illusion, which maintains the light on, for us.  The batteries well charged, that is to say.  But in the case of being pragmatic, we might agree that INSTANT TIME is almost the MOST CERTAIN.  We heard, as well, about "time weaving, weaving..." so then, stitch after stitch, it would be getting done its carpet.  A literary image of such a beauty, we might say.  And TIME IS NOW... we think, meanwhile we write.  Because it doesn't give a brake this expectation, in which the whole Earth recoils as if she was a snail wishing to go somewhere else. That is, yearning for a change of panorama.
 Because it is so bare and desolate.
 Isn't that so?

 "SHAPE is the result of so many beatings".  Was saying a wise pilgrim I met once, in an abandon site.  A huge cave, it was, with turquoise walls around... and you don't have to believe it, but that such a thing I saw... I saw it, with these eyes.  And I guess it was the aura that in that very moment got expanded, blue of all blues I did remain: astounded, by the way. 
 It is a result of many beatings?
 For sure! He answered.  Can you see the way they shield themselves amongst each other?
 So it is obvious, that the dilemma becomes a Paradox, when the talk with a wise man doesn't match really with all the stuff you're carrying in your back pack, or in your Dear Madam Mind: let's calmly acknowledge so.  But it gives us, instead, a fine food for thought.  Therefore, we ponder: if it is really so, a consequence of many beatings, how is it that we don't experienced it.  Or get a feeling about it. And right now, from our standing point of view, our answer becomes clear.
 Because whomever can do it... just do it!
 Thus the little boys and girls that are arriving to this Planet won't get so much reflection time.  About seeing, that is.  Or not seeing.  Indeed, we don't think so.
 They're in a hurry, that's for sure.
 And they don't take along with them a lower mind, as we were saying.  Inferior mind, that is to say.  Who is precisely the one that   questions all the time?  That recites things by heart.  Repeats over and over whatever did remain engraved in its brain cortex, without knowing what for: it is so pointless "knowledge", without an axis holding it.  Without a revocation, let's put it that way.  Because once that this process has been sealed in our structure, there's no way of abolishing it.   Useless, though, to go forward carrying along so much platitudinal nonsense that gets into our mind: the mad of the house, as Teresa of Avila called it.  We were so happy to get to know that the New Humanity is going to change our perspective on hearing, seeing, and "dying".
That is to say: "To look at Death" and her "Courtships".
It is one of the things that the NEW RACE includes in its programme.
And we won't find that riddle's meaning, it is a needless task.  The real thing is that we feel an utmost joy in our being.  As well as a relentless Hope, ladies and gentlemen.  And that dwells indeed within the heart.  Not in the brain, that vision.
 So we might get done at least the FIRST ENTRANCE'S structure.
 In case some others will certainly show up.
 It is a slow beginning that might precipitate as a cataract, if we don't know how to handle it.  Such a thing happened once, when that ANGELIC BODY of a "dreadful beauty", as the Poet would say, descended throughout the so called liberation decade: so neither boys nor girls had to cut their hair the way the trendy taste of manuals of those days decided ought to be, and girls could smash the barriers of approach without been seen as "easy".  Unheard of, though.  In such a mood they did arrive, so many of them!  And then they started to depart, in such a violent way, so many...  Some of them because the abuse of Drugs. And such an unleashed and rushing love, for others.  In such an amazing speed their libertarian premises got set.  And must of all: such a ferocious need for walking naked in the streets.  With naked soul, that is.  They were translucent beings, their wings wide open we could see without them being aware of, without the people noticing, we might say better.  There was no time, they said.  There has not been, almost never...  and it is time of changing it.  To replace the structures of that powerful machinery that back and forth takes us, as a wind-mill, that's fairly good... we whispered to ourselves between quotation marks: the "conquest" of the mind, because it doesn't fit in our head, is beating somewhere else, indeed is our heart the one that "thinks" right now, if you want us to tell the truth.

 Thus SHAPE controls and drives from a site which we will call: "interchangeable vision".  Or should we say a "lasting vision".  It could be also named a "golden vision", so that will be suitable to the color which in the NEW HUMANITY prevails.
 It is because its mature look, that this experience sets its influence.  Almost as if it were a delirium, let’s say.
 They do arrive, of course, with an advanced degree of knowledge.  From a long distance they are coming, thus the Sun dwells in their eyes. Lifetimes after lifetimes they have been learning how to take refuge in the religious rhythms of Nature's voice, the prematurely visions, the tired footsteps of those pilgrims that narrated to them the stories of a thousand battles and of a thousand victories, from only one side, though... that's true.  Battles and victories, that's men's lives: the History of the Races, since the World is the World... So, women and men were gathering a precious understanding. Thus, they got across the borders. Those of the awesome Death and those of the way back.  Therefore, they had to start all over again this rough apprenticeship.  Come back and forth, lifetime after lifetime, as we had said before.
 As History observers, it was so hard to swallow in a grim parable which just slides by, one morning, while crossing a walker's bridge: two boys, no more than eight years old, were chatting: "No-way, man... life is such a stupid gloomy stuff!  What a way to burdened us with all the crap they carry on with, these old guys, though. As if we were the ones to blame for all the mess they have being messing up with…!  
 So what...?  We ask.

 SHAPE, as we were saying, commands a new TONE, now.  Because that, has been always linked to that beautiful mystery, that we have called COLOR.    
 And the World's experience is going to change with the new TONE. Not only as a perception of matter but as an awareness of the "intrinsic content" that this SHAPE holds. It has not always been that way.  And it has not always seen with a scientific spirit, nor even analytic -but in rare ancient times exceptions- the reason why the "form" dwells in space.
 Sacred Geometry, of course, is an ancient guide on this field.  It is from there, that later on a deeper reading about thing’s life got rooted.  The GOLDEN RACE, once more, is going to teach us about the anima's subject within the inanimate beings, such as minerals.  And will teach us, as well, about animals.   And will explain to us about the plants. 
 Even though a great deal amongst the scientific research had been focused into the organic nature's feeling field, where more than one surprise showed up, as soon as the New Race starts to decode -in the right sense of the word: nor to dissect or classify- this time the correct vision about organic, animal and mineral substance, would be a quantum leap.  Therefore, this time we will depart from the best known base.  Girls and boys in their first infancy will guide the adults towards it’s subtly and magic world, in a blink of an eye.  We need only to observe them to perform, within the natural intrinsic way they do posses.  We must give credit to its cleverness.  Believe in its boundless perception.  When the game of "the dance with animals" gets initiated, we will clearly understand the qualities that such an event would unfold, suggest, and clarify within its boundaries, as well as its external vision. With astonishing look we will then watch how this internal world gets expanded, unsealed, to the point of becoming almost tactile. 
 "The Dance with the Panda" will be one of the most beautiful -if not the most hallucinating- starting points of this veiled and non-synthetic- reality, that human race has been allowed, so far, to observe:  although we never got the real meaning of that "bond".  Of that intrinsic truth which philosophical research and inner quests about the Being and its declining Sun, its Soul which paths are full of questions, had been reassuring us that it is simple.       
 The Being is ONE, they say.
 In this "reality" -or realm- the only thing that the Being takes really into account is to reach "oness" with the "whole".  With the Universe, that embodies and surrounds it.  With the Anima Mundis, as in countless occasions has been revealed to us, although we were not able to find out which way it is, because the most part of the time we had resolved this principle with the mind, solely. 
 Mystics, of course, had reached the heights and darkness of the bottom and summits, after a strenuous search and not less forceful trials amid fire and silence. They are mainly the ones that had described us this phenomenon -this reality- that pragmatist ignore.  In fact, right now, there will be no way of confronting a series of psychic phenomena which had been called paranormal: such as telepathy, telekinesis, extrasensory hearing, clairvoyance, among a series of new proofs about the real ability that human beings possess in this realm.  Or on this level of consciousness, should we say, that we had perceived, so far, as unique. There are some Schools that indicate the opposite, of course.  But today's School: the one that the inhabitant of this Planet had postponed due to its busy doing with byzantine wars, its street corner fights against life or some one else's dreams, its neighbor's  earning power or its properties, without gaining any substantial benefit, indeed: is a Compulsory School, ladies and gentlemen.
 No way to escape from it.
 The World changes, indeed.                                                    
 But the NEW RACE, it's not at all a "substance" that can be replaced.  Or can be changed, just because somebody orders to do so.  The proof that it brings us as a gift, in its immanent -or active- principle, is nothing less than Life in its full "wholeness".   Not the one we had been measuring with an oblique look, till now.  "Not yet" living, indeed. This GOLDEN RACE grants a new sight to whoever is able -or whish- to accept it.  It is, indeed, a different way of looking at ourselves, among some other things, because it doesn't carry a detractor's inheritance.  This golden creature cannot do less than draw itself in its own "breath", that is to say, to get a glance into the looking glass of a bottomless absence's, trying to make us understand the way the came, from where, where do they go...
 So, if we wish, we will listen to them.
 And if we don't... they might treat us as foolish, or as blind.  Because we had been blind, this obvious fact will resonates as thousand gongs, indeed, at the Hour of the meeting with "All the Truths", we fear so.  We are not so far away, as certain symbols, signals, visions and paradoxes show.   There is a forceful axiom, therefore in its appointed role as high rank emissaries this creatures handle us a "sample", in advance.  They deliver a message.
 Life is about to change.  The Race is not the same.
 The World is finished -as grandmothers would say- without the Apocalypse -that Revelation about the End of Times- getting along with tricky play, therefore the winner is whoever tricks under the table.  Nor even table, exist.  There's no prank to settle.  Coax times, spree and entertaining shows, are ready for retirement.  And as my father used to say: what a blaze is, they will know now.   Tiryns and Trojans will get the message, in that precise momentum. The sightless, as well as the no blind, may feel this evidence.  Those who wiped out with their elbow what they made with the hand.  The deaf will hear.  And finally, the witnesses -the last two centuries’ we might say- of immanent laws infringements that humankind dared to perpetrate, throwing away into the garbage bin whatever splinter of "purity" showed up, because not even a tiny fragment should be left.  Not a slight trace, on their files.  So we wander, due to fear?
 Heaven bear witness...
 No exaggeration, by the way.

 Therefore, THE DANCE WITH THE PANDA... as we were saying will initiate currents of knowledge that no one ever imagined.  Thus as if we were opening a coffer full of valuables -no the Pandora's Box, though- as if a delta of light would all of the sudden opens up, the New Race will stand as a catalyizer.  As the First Ones that will serve us as Guides.  That is to say, as Archetype: that's its commitment.  It’s Magnum Opus Purpose.
 From the very beginning of All Times, that has being so.
 This way, COLOR and SHAPE start integrating with this new being, since its early childhood.  So that event holds at once that third phase, or "bridge" -as we point out before- among these two simple and basic factors.  Therefore, it will work out as it has been projected.  
 Accordingly, SOUND aggregates, then, in a transparent way.
There will be no modulations of any hindrance type, or invasive, whenever this DANCE takes place.  The PANDA will act as SHAPE.  So its simple movement will add, almost immediately, SOUND.  It will be enough to allow those effects to recycle -or reactivate- that "capsule" that THE NEW RACE brings along in its Sacred Chakra[19] thus the Dance will expand the other elements as if they were water waves.  Or, let’s say: whirlwinds in the air.  Or simple sounds of birds, in a summery wood. We shouldn't think we ‘are already "holding the pan by the handle", yet.  "Far away from that", the more skeptics might say.  Those that concentrate in the adding’s and subtractions of so many labyrinthine concepts of the ones who where wizards, temple's priest, Manicheans that Churches got absolved, the mentally fathomless, who were not able to raise up that New Consciousness that had knocked at the door so many times: because there's none of their business.  So they go forward unchanged, swirling tirelessness the windmill- we repeat-  as if that would be the panacea.  We are going to see the results -we might, for sure- once the schemes get organized, the strain of those who are withstanding this magnificent Paradigm, diminished.
 We shouldn't have any doubt, just in case...
 Nothing will get lost by just trying it.
 SOUND, we had said, has really nothing much to tell us whenever it originates from rocky bands, resounding metals from far down caves, it is not so: of course.
 When we say sound, in this guide for the people in charge of the primary GOLDEN RACE upholding, we clearly mean that it has to come out from those who dance: that is to say, from the boys and girls’ throats while they are performing this act of joy an wholeness, with its favorite TOTEM.  Which are those animals that in ancient cultures had been regarded as sacred, or represent a symbol of purity and strength, or guide us towards certain attitudes?   Let’s say, the Ant, for instance.  Or let’s take the elephant.  Or let’s listen to the dolphins.
 We will work out this issue in our "Second Scheme".
 Let's now go further, into the ancestral seed that these creatures bring along with inscribed in its memories, because they are not going to fail: nor its living codes, nor its magical notes, nor its extraordinary speed.  We can see them.  We follow them, with astoundingly rhythm and such an inspiration, because the GOLDEN RACE has always been a libertarian beacon, when it comes to get across The Great Waters.  As the "I Ching" indicates.

 So it is really SOUND that "goes across" the space -to sort it out somehow because space, in fact, doesn't exist in this situation- and allows to passing freely through those doors -or that perception- that this creature carries within its skin.  It is as if somebody brings flowers galore.  As one who knows where dwells an altar urn.  So weird, it is.  Nonetheless, we try to investigate where this phenomenon came from. Because in case of questioning ourselves with a variety of demands, stirring up our brains through psychological test, we actually may find a stone wall facing us, ladies and gentlemen.
 No way, that is a fact. 
 We have to avoid recreating behavior patterns that were functional once, because they are already obsolete.  This behavior, that is to say: this "precocious mature state" that seems so rare to us -not to say awesome- won't create a model, from now on.  Because as soon as we try to classify them, we will discover that this Race's beings are absolutely unique.   He or She holds a seal -or distinctive- that allows it to be, without falling into homogeny.  As weird as it sounds, they are full individuals.  This fact will show as a reality, once we comply with those rules that were established from the start.
 We might give to them, great respect.   A boundless patience, that is clear.   And the last but not the least: Absolute Love.

 Thus, with SOUND this energetic fluid which has to pass throughout the immune system will concentrate, in order to reach its path towards that Chakra: that may  certainly open without rush, that's for sure...   without a truce, nonetheless, so it will reach the bioenergetic balance that this creature needs.  We have to make sure that no futile effort will damage its brain throughout the experience.  In other words: impeding pollution infiltration, which is a thing it always tries to do, in such cases as this.  This Race is not excluded from astral virus, neither from the episodes that got the previous race affected.  We might restrain from using ancient tricks, wherever we considered that is convenient, though.  One method is no better than the other.  All of them had been considered in its "emerging" momentum, all of them, as well, were constructed -in its great majority, we may say- by advanced people, so we're not going to complain about its efficiently way: it would show an enormous amount of ingratitude towards those who set the initial marks.  We won't forget them.
 It must be quite the opposite, indeed.
 Consequently, in that road's curve we had just get across it doesn't remain a trace of those behavior patterns, anymore, neither the hazards of the path that was crowded with snakes, we have to admit so.  It has not been easy to find the "Sacred Link" that rescued us from ocean's depths, forgotten caves, if we really intend to look at that from an integral point of view: it has not been so simple to pass thought that experience, as Sri Aurobindo[20] and "The Mother's" lives had widely proved us.
 Therefore, this Guide intends to follow that pattern -so subtle and so concrete- "The Mother" leaved to us throughout her words and works, in spite of those Codes not really being "open", nor the written word enjoying full freedom.  
 A premature premise, though.
 It is solely a great shinning space, indeed, the one that "opens up" for us the Race that today visits this Planet, so we would like to enhance that- to say it bluntly, though. We are sure that this ENHANCEMET holds the inalterable decision of a Mayor Grade of Consciousness.  And so, the GOLDEN RACE'S Consciousness cannot be match with any other known, so far.  There is not a measure, by the way, that allows us to reach an accurate code.  Neither can we ask for a fulminant outcome, because it has to get gradually enhanced.  Therefore, the beginning of this adventure may get obviously twisted up in a mass of strands.  But we can heal those twisted ups strands. There are not big scaffoldings that might collapse because of lacking of support.  We don't believe that this would be the case.
 We may trust.  
 Trust firmly on Intuition.  Stand for the certainty of the Purpose.  Never give up on the Great Aspiration, such as the assistance we have decided to deliver to these new creatures that -without armor- are arriving.  Hence, at the beginning it might look as if a sort of a huge mountain is in front of our eyes, so harsh as well as high it is, that Being's summit, that we can hardly see its archetype.  We cannot hold a single doubt, it would be foolish -we insist- so we might start that task, with Love.
 Supreme Love, we must deliver.  Thus, Absolute Love is the Rule.
 So if we don't get an idea of what it is, we ought to create that.
 And that's all, we may say.  With open sight some among them explain to us that mystery that comes beyond the heart.  It is not by means of remaking a riddle that we will find these sign posts, these symbols, the magic, sacred shapes... that those creatures have already "settle" in its essence.  Neither by being constantly aware of the dreams that so many among them bring along, since the moment they start to carry out the language's rituals.  The wonders that show up in every turn of the path are incalculable, that is to say: the day by day watching them wake up, get their breakfast like a loose wild creatures, to laugh, to live, to dance with them, such an enormous quantum leaps, ladies and gentlemen.  To live with such a Race is obviously not going to be easy... but it is very funny.
 Ahhh...!  We need a lot of sense of humor.
 It is another element.
 Those girls and boys get a particular alphabet for every single thing, so use to name whatever they desire, ignore whatever they don't want, do and undo as they dispose, in their own way they ask for something therefore in their own way they do receive.   So, should we ask to ourselves: why not?  That might say those wise grandmothers who have the patience of the saints, and don't get crushed upon those leaps: they look indeed more electrifying than ever, more irascible, more jealous, than those they had to cope with from the cradle: but she, the one who knows and bears with love such an avalanche of mischief’s, will get the recompense.  Thus, there must be an award waiting for her.  And there is not because that boy or that girl might additionally love her. There is not a behavioral pattern about "to give and get", indeed, which we might deal with, in this primordial change time.  Neither what we do think, or deduce, had studied long ago, will have any connection with the unlashing torrent that in the mind's territory is waiting for us.
 The mind, solely knows... as we were saying.
 Upon the Veda's theories, the Superior Mind would let them be more compose.  It may be enough to surrender to evidence -if its evidence what we want to find out- that "something new" is happening.  That it's not always true that "at the beginning of life a creature is very fragile".  About the breakableness of its structure we don't have any doubt, we must take care of them with the sensitivity and dedication that a new born body, which starts its journey surrounded by unusual perils -by the way- deserves.  We can start with our atmosphere's pollution.  The auditory -apparently the less visible- becomes, without any question, the more destructive one.  We might say indeed: the less easy to cure.  The brains of the GOLDEN RACE'S creatures are not at all compatible with that harsh noise that follows us, wherever.  The mechanical drill seems almost harmless, in comparison to other sounds which we have called in the most common languages: "soft", "subliminal", "retroactive", because Science doesn't dare to publish -alive and through direct channel- the lethal results of certain type of artifacts.   The trendy, it is obvious.   Such as T.V. cellular phone, magnetic screen which, as a spider web catching mosquitoes without any distinction, entice our boys and girls.  Since the age of two and three years old they get stick to it.  Holding the mouse as little she/he wizards so with just a click they do discover whatever they wanted to find out. 
 Although, we have to wonder anyway:  Do they, really...? 

 Let's us go forward, into the most delicate part of SOUND.  The most profane, to say the least and once for all, because it's beyond any doubt that in today's times -which are unlashing all kind of weird acoustics- those creatures we are referring to, those new descending souls, with its splendorous being in bandoleer, get the most clamorous "baptism", ever yet seen, indeed.
 Could this be just a vaccination?
 We had been asked frequently so.  Nevertheless, it's not the case.    This is not, at all, an anti-virus.  Neither will work as antidote if they get expose to such amount of decibels, so many invisible splendors that have such an obnoxious reach, which in the astral realm -that is to say, the fourth dimension- get boil and twist like damaging nodules.  As tumors stowed away in unknown stations frequencies, yet they exist... we know.  So as we get it untangled, as we link those areas where they live, or move, or simple use to play,  it might not be a way to prevent this creatures from getting warned out, fully and truly, though.  The may get somehow an internal injury, to say it properly.  Or to explain it in more accurate scientific terms: a dinamic-energetical tension.  Or the pernicious move of the auditory organ that gets packed up with the subject, therefore, in a nasty way, it throws it out.  Such an action will produce in its brains -the receptor side- an incipient fibrosis which starts fermenting up, thus circuits will get gradually unfasten, therefore that will end in a tissue that doesn't allow to breath in a healthy way.  That is to say, within that solid and so little known matter are vital elements for the transmission of an "internal vision" of things.  That allows us to discern.  To have common sense, good judgment, discernment, and other required functions for the daily survival in the Planet we live in.
 It is a venture that plays its own design, on the invisible fields.
 To be right, or not to... is not a contrariwise issue in this concrete instance.  We don't believe it really is, actually.  It would be nonsense not to point out in this Guide, which is directed to whomever is now in charge of this Race, about this potential enemy.
 Our "internal vision" is heralding that to us.
 Such overflow of behavioral patterns is not a sheer coincidence. This pouring out over the limits, that later on this adolescent might be facing, by means of "getting down the program" -in cybernetic language- which is a thing that dwells in the hard disk, since its very first childhood.  It's not easy to wipe that out.  Sooner or later the boomerang will show up.  And that effect, for sure, won’t present any evidence of any remains, whatsoever.   That's clear.
 However, the direction it follows shows us a sort of apparently side effects, though we fear they are "direct".  The back ground music in our societies - the so called "advanced" cultures- just made a mess, we may say...
 We don't think it will be necessary to explain to which kind of music or sounds we are referring to, all over again.  The direct interaction among guides, school teachers and family members of these creatures, who posses quite a different mind from the one that some kind of laws and sayings had been imposing to us -for as we were saying, it "comes in" through a Superior Mind- will be the safeguard of such a colossal nonsense.


P R A C T I C A L     M A N U A L   I N    T H R E E    M O D U L E S

1. - Acknowledging COLOR.
2. - Linking the DANCE thought its TOTEM.
3. - SOUND and "consonance" (breathing).


 On the FIRST ONE, we resolve the day's vibration, on a daily basis.  It starts at waking time: when we must be very aware of the signals they are given to us, even though it seems quite subtle.
 They will be some indications about the choosing of COLOR.
 Preference for the objects they are looking for, including eyes’ search.
 From sixth month onwards, this election will be very obvious.  Up to ten months it will be clear that that one, is her/his color.  It is not only a matter of quality or shape of the selected object.  It is about the retina, which transmits through synergetic waves the secret nature of the aura of the things.  In other words, whatever is their due.
 They liked, or not.
 They take it, or throw it away.
 They are open codes, to whoever wants to observe them.  Or for the observers that decides to check them out.  Either to those who wish to understands that these creatures are different.  With this remark, we want to help you.  It is about "to learn" and "to see" in other way, indeed.  That's a fact, though.
 In the first infancy dwells the Force of Life.
 Although, at this very moment we don't have the resources that will help them to advance at the pace they really need, we are indeed prepared to get them forward. 
 With COLOR in "the right place" the NEW RACE will go further in an astounding way.  That we can assure, without our firstling path be a doctrine.   To advance, though is our purpose.  So, there's always a beginning.
 Later on, we'll talk about the first steps.  The School, let’s say.

 Once this creature starts babbling, we begin by teaching her/him the first TOTEM animals.
 That would be the SECOND STEP.
 For that purpose, we chose some beings that belong to ancient traditions.  Peoples  that had chosen the shamanic tradition, or the Vedic teachings, the Amerindian Peoples, such as the Peruvian Natives, the Maya, in addition to legendary specimens of the imagination -so, they say- among which we had chosen the most representative elements of the Universal Consciousness.
For the "animal", is that other “being”.  A being that belongs to the Kingdom that holds its name and that had accompanied us throughout the times.  Even before us humans had reached this land.  The Kogui Peoples from Colombia tell us that...
 First, it was the Sea...
 Thus, either in the most ancient wisdom scriptures, or in the Atlantis's remnants, History tells us that the original creature that had lived in this Planet was the ocean's inhabitant.
 So we enumerate the animals that will serve us as "promoters" or "energetic detonator” which will help us to establish the MAGNUM BRIDGE that in this NEW RACE "enhances", "expands" itself, as we can clearly see.
As we say "detonator", we could as well called it in a smoothest way:  primogenital stratums.  That is to say, something that starts by opening what has been sealed.   Something that is unknown to us, so far.
 Such as the Pharaohs’ Tombs, the Mexican Pyramids, or the Death Sea Manuscripts.  Unfathomable secrets, that now starts to unveiled: rather interesting, indeed!

 Then, we enumerate them as follows:

1. - The Panda             5. - The Ant                     9. -  The Dolphin
2. - The Tiger               6. - The Seagull              10. - The Squirrel     
3. - The Rain Deer     7. - The Peacock            11. - The Unicorn
4. - The Elephant       8. - The Eagle                12. - The Pegasus

 These selected group will be the one that will give us a hand, thus we can improve the acceleration of the "healing frequency". 
 We had called it so, because with the sound and the dance that will accompanied them -on abstract terms- the girls and boys will raise one level up their hereditary aura frequency, therefore they will add whatever it has been expected from them, ever since.
 The Heart Chakra opening, for instance.
 And so, we’ll get "structures’ shift”, as a result.
 Would that happen all of the sudden?  That will be, for sure, the question.  No.  Nothing -in evolutionary terms, that is to say- has happened overnight, in the History of the Race.  For that reason we are going to embrace the Balance's Law.  The Supreme Harmony: that will be the one dynamic aspect that may confirm us this unbelievable reality, day after day... no doubt.

 The Dance, by itself... is simple.
 The boy or the girl chooses its animal -it may, obviously go thought a variety of changes - then afterwards it "mimes" the movement.  We might teach them through videos, photographs, books, so easy to get in our day's market.  Animal Planet, The World Wild Life Foundation, National Geographic... as many publications as we wish to find, so they may first draw them -once they are able to draw-  thus they start that Dance.
 And what about the Ant, how are we going to do?
 Well... one doesn't ask how in Earth such an special creature -as the GOLDEN RACE creature is- is going to imitate a movement.
 Every gesture completes -complements, may be a better term- the net that the synergetic element, which dwells within that rhythm, will start to weave.  So as the ant does, for instance, with her tiny steps.  We can observe her small gestures.  Be enchanted by her little antennas.  Her mysterious chats with her helping neighbors, which she meets on the road: without loosing for one instant her focus of attention, which is her immediate task.
 To carry that leaf, let's say.
 Ten times bigger than its weight is, and than its size.
 It will be not only a funny thing but an authentic example of the great magic that it holds.  So, we must concentrate.  We may get rid of the fear provoked by the adventure and just jump in, as well, into that enormous fluid of energetic and soundly current which will precipitate.
 As a cataract does so.

 Once these girls and boys -from 0 to 3 years old, we insist- had established the necessary RHYTHM, the TONE is a needed complement that will immediately join in.  To show them videos is very important not only because they will be able to see the animals but will listen at the sounds, as well.  THE TIGER, THE ELEPHANT, THE SEAGULL, are at least among the animals that had been already sound-track registered. But we might, perhaps, explain to them how the Panda’s grunt or a squirrel’s sounds is: which feels as a human tongue's lash... we hear them so, sometimes, in the woods.  THE RAIN DEER is different.  It may remain difficult, though: so let its imagination take a free fly.  Ask them: how a rain deer goes on? (if that's the chosen animal) so the necessary sound will arrive.  Or the instinctive breath will come.  In fact, we may not induce them to imitate what looks to us as a "real" animal sound, because for those girls/boys THAT is perhaps ANOTHER THING.
 So we will allow them to imitate such "another thing".  Let them to copy it.   Or get a try to be it, so naturally.  It will be so unrestrained "invention" the discovery of their favorite animal's sounds -which will be passing throughout a variety of changes, as we said before- therefore the "guardians" will enjoy it, so much.  So they can, of course, join them in the dance.
 That is to say: THAT is something that belongs only to those creatures.
 It is a "sacred" and very "secret" rhythm, which will open its Heart Chakra.  This manner of impelling their auric and mental energy is built upon that, so any disturbance in that particular Zone of their bodies will be avoided in that Center.  Or Church.  As some Esoteric Schools or Oriental philosophies called it -as we explained earlier.
 It is necessary -a priority on our times, we would say- "to open" to the creatures of the New Humanity what has been in state of latency, for so many centuries.  Thus, by opening the Heart Chakra during the early stages of childhood, the New Race won't have the silly mishaps, or the atrophied measures, nor -by any means- will they stumble over the psychical dangers which are threatening the preceding race, for simple lack of attention.
THE DANCE WITH THE PANDA -that is to say, with the animals they would choose- will play out as an internal rhythm, as a sort of Tai'Chi.  For each movement... might be the feline, the bird, the ocean inhabitant, the sniffing of the rain deer: in case they do not find the sound...  all that, will drive them towards whatever bioenergetic movement it is needed, at that precise moment.  Thus, the diagram that sets in motion the Heart Chakra starts to get reactivated.
 To Trust, we do insist, it's the KEY WORD.
 If we want to see them in full spring, in a blossoming without precedents, at the time of reaching what has been qualified as puberty, we may try these first steps, throughout THE PANDA'S NOTEBOOK.
 Nothing will get lost indeed.  We must just give a try.

 So we -the people that have been investigating upon the GOLDEN RACE'S fields- are convinced of the results.  We should walk carefully, thought.  Not to hasten the process.  Have Patience.  Take extreme precautions on what it has been stated earlier: respect for these creatures.  We must not go on shouting and shaking them up, it would not be the case, if we really understand that the so called DISCIPLINE dwells within her/him, since its first breath.
 DISCIPLINE, in these creatures, is something sealed, already.
 We might treat them with an expansive freedom.
He or She adores that we cuddle them up, but never dare to get in their way, that... oh, no!  And you may tell us, of course: that's obvious... "All children are alike...!"   But that's not so, indeed.  Therefore, sooner or later, adults might learn about this new tendency that inspires this Race.  Because sooner or later, we might realize   this fact: THIS CREATURES BELIEVE THEY ARE THE REAL ADULTS, THAT'S THE WAY THEY REALLY THINK IT IS.  They might be less than two feet high, when they will stare at us with the curiosity of those who "don't get a clue" about the language we're using, although they will patiently try to do the best they can.  Patience! They will decide.  Because this people are not able to catch a ball.[21] 
 I would say that this expression will be use among girls, mainly.
 These are such wise and perspicacious magicians. It is awesome, indeed.  If today's adults would know what kind of beings had "landed" in this Planet -and we annotated this from the bottom of whom we are- we might not be so confused about education.  We would simply open a space for them, as wide as possible: we would help them throughout the daily life, hygiene, body awareness -during their first years of life they are quiet "out of touch" with their vehicle- without forgetting the nutrition factor.  This last one, by the way, comes also "sealed within them", as we had said about discipline. They bring along their own fancies. Thus, each body is totally independent: quite impersonal within and so personal in its particular likings.    
 It would be enough to get them into drawing -if that's what they want- so they will become the most adorable and quiet angels, ever seen.  They become almost motionless.  Breathless, we may say.  Altogether in their business: drawing. Nothing will take them from that wonderful paradise of their own.
 Hyper actives, as some will like to label them?
 We must get them into their own stuff.
 And into one by one case.  A PERSONAL education is what it is required in this time of History.  At any cost, as Scotland Prime Minister had said not so long ago: "we are going to get into personalize education patterns, at any cost!   We'll aim at the future, which is indeed now...  because these new people are showing us how different they are.  We ought to try it...!"  That's what he stated -on BBC News, August 2008- during a speech on Scotland Educational Program, among other issues.
 The governments of the World are really far behind their Scottish counterpart.  As well as from the once Ecuadorian President[22] who stood up for the rights of the Indigenous Race of his country, at the beginning of the 3rd. Millennium, when he was asked to help them to understand what kind of creatures were landing, all of a sudden, in their communities.  And so, Noemí Paymal[23] became one of the Leaders of the investigation group, which after several months of research send out its diagnosis:

 On the THIRD STEP -Sound and Consonance- is where the great challenge dwells.  For it has not been said -or has not been "fixed on permanence" in the Western History, so far: thus we always have in mind Maria Montessori, such an outstanding pioneer- in which way the human mind resolves its problems, as it "breaths". 
 In the Eastern cultures[24], this exercise has been called Prana.
 It is unconscious.  And it is conscious. 
 It ought to be conscious, beyond any doubt.  And that must be implemented, above all, during periods of time such as the present one.  We might to be especially alert on emergency situations.  There are, of course, New Age Schools, that are mainly selling this knowledge, almost as beauty products.  But this is a serious project: not at all a panacea, ladies and gentlemen.
 It is something that can be so near, as well as it can be so far away, that one fears to named it by its name. At least that seems quite clear. The Psychic Body, that's how it is called.  So there are some that understand it, and some others that don't.  Nevertheless, it doesn't have to be counted as inexistent, because of that fact, obviously.
 The Psychic Body, or "body in permanence", dwells in what Christians gave the name of Soul.  Thus, there's no more need to get into the details.  By knowing that in this NEW RACE the PSYCHIC BODY is almost as palpable as the physical body, we can have a picture about the whole mare magnum that is falling upon us, if we don't help them out, so they can be "centered". 
If we don't apply to their frequency call and "connect" them with their Center.  That place where they come from.  This place is so far away from being considered as a real thing, it looks much more as if it were a fairy tale, or science fiction.  But it is not, indeed.
 In such a unveiling and awesome book, that came out not so long ago from Argentina[25], that child that tells us that he arrives from a splendorous universe -so advance and wondrous- and how and why he ought to "come back" to this planet, to help us out to understand the reason of the visit of people like him, it is not solely a fantasy.  So, his elder brother -Marco- compels their mother to write down all his visions, under the child's guidance. And so she did: with Flavio brother's help, of course.  That Guardian Angel, that gets here before him, with the purpose of protect and expand that first grade revelation.
 And some people might think:  it may, it may not...
 So: THE THIRD STEP of this Guide might be quite able to "untied" in little boys and little girls, similar stories.   We should simply listen to them.  Give credit to their "memories".  And we will tell you about one, we personally assisted to, in Colombia.
 Matías, Alejandra's son, was three years and a half when he did ask to his mother: Remember when I was coming down, through a very dark tunnel and when finally I could get out, many people were waiting for me...?  Well... no. Alejandra answered.  I don't remember, Matías.  How come you don't remember, mama... if you were also there!
 We were dancing a lot, with Matías, even before he gave his first steps.  And we talked to him about the Panda.  And we sang like the Panda (Pandas also sing, we can bet...!) So we found the day's favorite color, so we help him out to get into that tee-shirt, so we breath, breee-aa-thh...  And when he was three years old he told Don Quixote of La Mancha's story, to everybody.  From the beginning to the very end!  So he could pronounce per-fec-tly well Dulcinea del Toboso.
 So to see it, so to believe it!
 That's not much, we may say.  But there's always a start point.

 "Breathing" in the first TONE, is something needed in this fundamental step.  As soon as the boy or girl starts to perceive that its breathing is centered in its diaphragm, we may start this exercise.  If we show it to them, he/she will become aware of that, at the moment it starts to follow the rhythm of the dance with its TOTEM ANIMAL, therefore he/she will learn how to breathe, on its own way.
 Let's say, as its personal fancy.
 It can be as the DOLPHIN and those delicious sort of gargling sounds, as well as it can be the TIGRESS's roar, which will demand to get the most out of her/his chest.  From the EAGLE he/she might imitate its wings’ sound... fluuufff, fluuufff...! Meanwhile makes them move around.  And it will be, of course, similar to the SEAGULL, even though they get a sort of very acute "loud cry". The RAIN DEER -we had already said that it will be an invention of its own.  Let’s say a sort of sniffing.  It makes a weird little sound, the RAIN DEER, when it sniffs the air.  And what in earth the PEACOCK is up to?  Ahhh...!  We fear that the PEACOCK gets on its fancy ways, though.  When he just "peacockish" himself in, dragging out its sort of fan-tail, chaasss, chaaasss...!  The movement -by itself- will cause the vibration's shift, thus the tone of its voice will change, of course.
 It is a matter of step by step invention.
 We go on: observing, making notes about the results.  What about the rhythm, for instance.  And what are the special effects of the sound, if so is the case.  Each of these creatures brings along its vibration mechanism, so it is not going to be the frequently known stuff that will pop in, after few months of trying.  It will be so funny for them, as well as for the people that initiate this Guide on Service's ground.  Because it is a Great Service we will deliver to this "apparently little humanity beings" -therefore, to the Earth.  To this Great Race, that arrives with the aim of changing so many worlds’ mischief. 
 They had come in order to harmonize.
 An also came to declare themselves the owners of its life, because for this NEW RACE, FREEDOM, is a non hold-up priority.

 We want -as well- to point out at the fact that there's no way of delaying the bioenergetic reactivation that the GOLDEN RACE urgently needs.  Thus they can start "breathing" in the TONE and SHAPE they bring along with, codified in its psychic structure.  For as we go forward into this experiment -we may say better: into the Consecration to its Supreme Truth- the outcome of this codes will start giving us surprises galore.
 We will see, among others, the exquisite frequency of language.
 The boys and girls belonging to this New Race are so skillful in dealing with all sorts of languages.  At three years old they can easily handle two different languages.  If we tray to get them into a third one, most probably we won't get any problem for them to achieve other levels.  So we must not we worried about those theories that recommends not to stuff them up with all those jargons.  To these beings, language rhythm, as water rhythm, as sunset, wind, field flowers, is something natural. The phonetic principle doesn't cross by the mind territory.  As stated by Science's laws, this is an irregular fact: but we have said that Science ought to retract, in many cases, if it really wants to go forward, in attunement with these NEW TIMES. 
 We are going to cross insurmountable barriers -those beings had said before they "reached" this distressed Planet- but we are not going to give up, even if it becomes an unbearable task.  Therefore, they count on us, if you want to know.  For that same reason, they did choose this very moment that the Planet Earth had reached.  They chose their parents.  As they also select their families.  As well as they pick their territories.  But there is something they didn't choose: THE PURPOSE.
 For this, as we have said earlier, comes already in scripted in their own Akashic Archives.
 All and each one of those beings brings along the Force of the Purpose that makes its own drawing, day by day.
 Perhaps the first may be to heal this Planet from all that garbage and all that putrefaction.
 To harmonize the TONE and the FRECUENCY, so the astral waste that is getting us up to the neck will get reduced.
 To release the anger, that ancestor races had seeded on the fields, kept in their houses, threw out all over, into the streets, got it blow up among the fields where defenseless people lived, getting solely the thieves exonerated,  because they were their pals.  Get rid of the rage, the violence, the fury without reason.
 They are her to heal. And to go on, and on… just healing, healing.
 THEY CAME FOR THAT, we want to say it, over and over.



 As you all know by now -us so assume, because it is so obvious- nothing can be denied to little creatures.  Well… we might better say: almost nothing, in fact.  We had comment on that earlier.  So we also made some comments about "The Color of the Day".  In which generally dwells, indeed, the Great Secret.
 Let's stock up all sorts of colors tea-shirts.  So we can have a good storage at School.  And of course, we should do the same at Home.

Turquoise Blue.
Leave Green.
Shocking Pink.
Lilac -not purple, it's not the time, yet.

And we are going to add two NEW TONES: (tea-shirts free).

 So: when we get ready the YELLOW groups, let's say, because all of the sudden, on that day many children wanted to wear that color, we asked them -obviously- why do they fancy so. 
 Because it is the sun's color!
 Because my Teddy Bear has the same color.
 Because my grandmother's garden roses have the same hue.
 No matter what...!  Never mind the answer.  The important fact is to get them conscious about that morning's special pick, thus to find out why.  It must be done in a natural way.  Don’t get stuck into that first step, go ahead with the rest of the children's pick.  It may be she or he.  You inquire them all, one by one.
 Why do you like this color...?
 It might be a lot of surprises.  And will be astonishment, as well.  Wonderment starts to get them conquered, as soon as they do realize that this fancy is not at all casual.  Nothing is casual, by the way.  So it is a good thing that she/he understands, right away, that: nothing comes out neatly, just because of a fancy.  Therefore, we should always remember the "internal rhythm" of things, which -without being conscious of it- is what makes us get into that pick.
 We ought not to play hideaways, with this New Race.
 They get their codes sealed -we had stated so, somewhere else.  The ludic ground is an issue that will change soon, that's for sure.  While time passes by, you will notice how they are the ones who take over; indeed, the guiding into all sort of directions... it won't be a chaos, no.  They are quite organized, if we patiently follow them.  So at the beginning it may be a little bit of uncertainty, but we might follow, step by step.
 Step by step, it is the TONE that will give us an amazing outcome.
 Thus at School, they will chose -as well- that color, so if they just want to replace its tea-shirt  they will find a variety of reasons for that. What we can assure you is that the TONE that a girl or a boy chooses, is going to protect her/him within an aura of joy and peace.

 Later on, the two last colors will be shown to them.
 It doesn't matter which color they had already chosen: blue turquoise, let's say.  Or red color.  Or green.
 THE SILVER ONE will do?
 Or will be THE GOLDEN ONE?

 So then, we "integrate" this new element, which will be always the other one she/he likes. It may vary color every single day of the week, but either THE GOLDEN TONE will be always there -and so it will be, almost certainly, invariable.  As well as THE SILVER will remain, once is have been chosen.
 Obviously, there will be some exceptions... but it will happen rarely.
 One the GOLDEN or the SILVER will "settle down into the aura" that boy or that girl will know that there's no need to switch from THAT ONE, any more.   Besides, the tea-shirts don't exist.  Only those two special colors displayed upon the wall, so they can make their pick.

 We will use the same method with both mythological animals.

 After they had chosen their TOTEM ANIMAL -a thing that can change as many times as they wish, as we had said before- we will make them pick another one. As we will explain to them: a special one.  And so, they will know that they get TWO.  That is, a constant friend and an alternate one.
THE UNICORN is related to the Sun.                                                                                             
  THE PEGASUS, posses the galaxies’ vibration.

 There will be UNICORNS'S group.  As well as PEGASUS's groups.
 The will be GOLDEN groups.  And SILVER groups will be consistent.
 Those are classifications that are going to help us only as a subtle guide.  As if they were a little white stone on the road.

 We would really like to annotate something which -in our perception and our constant research: more than two decades, already- lead us to the possible origin of this GOLDEN RACE, and so unexpected facts had been showing up.  It is not only a matter of the advances that this NEW HUMANITY brings along within its DNA, or their Consciousness's quantum leap. That's not our top issue, at the moment.  Nevertheless, it is appalling the light way in which some studies coming out from the diverse Psychological Schools, accuse, confront, to impugn, to rectify these children's behavior.  Such a dramatic diagnostics, that make some times the families get into Mary-go-round, so as a cork in a whirlpool these creatures turn, turn around...
 They have to juggle with one treatment which goes into another.  They ought to adjust from a passive into an active drug.
 Thus they create a kind of falling down into the same basket...
Indeed the most out of margin of any knowledgeable fact is the nonchalant way, in which they explain either the psycho-motor or the psycho-biological conditions, not to mention the drugs they stuff them up with, at such an early age.  They make robots, out of them.
 They make them lose strength.
 Those creatures will never have self control.  That drug will induce them to hurt their Superior Mind: that is to say, to perturbation -would be a better term- what they had brought along as a gift.
 That GIFT is: the Peace within.  Follow by Unconditional Love.

 At the same time, we became aware of a variety of components that indicates to us that the New Humanity that now arrives to Gaia (as "the Supreme Lord's gift", as my grandmother would say) beyond any doubt, is that SOLAR RACE that the Maya people refer in their Codes.  THE SIXT RACE -so the seers had said- which is the one that comes to GIVE.
 Thus, it is a fact that their special task is TO RESTORE.
 Therefore, is clear to us that they arrived in order TO REACTIVATE -to OPEN HIDDEN PORTALS, that is to say- in SILENCE's Codes.
 It is not in the "New Era" markets where they are going to land, nor are we going to see them trying to convince us that it goes THIS way and NOT THAT WAY...  thus the world will go forward.  It is not the style of someone who comes with the POWER of TRANSFORMATION in its bandoleer.  And that is just because they are not the ones who came to go on, over and over, preaching. They simply "do".
 And they act upon it without consulting, if you wish.
 They don’t feel any need of confrontation. No conflict, though.
 We are not going to see them in action, nonetheless.  For it, is WITHIN.  It is intense, and very silent.  SILENCE... we had said, is their bastion. PATIENCE, they have plenty, and the faculty of CONNECTION.  For they come with MEMORY, that step by step will take them forward towards the final goal they took along with, so throughout their own SOUND they will connect among themselves.  By "intuition", they may say.
 But it is not so, at all.
 Symbols are keys for these individuals, who bring the Open Seal of Galaxies and the Sun's vibration, their splendor bodies[26] so protected, in such a way that they can "feel each other".  They perceived each other from afar.  We could say as well: from ALWAYS, do they feel the Presence of the “other”, as we feel a flower in a garden.  Therefore, we don't have to get them confused.  They don't bring along the astute human old race’s cleverness, which has being inhabiting this Planet during thousands of years.
Instead of that, they bring to us hidden treasures.
 There: in their hearts.  This is a Heart of Light.
 In other words, it is pure gold.
 It's not an axiom, ladies and gentlemen. It's an unavoidable TRUTH...!

                                           In “ARATI” -Auroville-India.
                                                  April-June 17 -2009-

 The PANDA'S NOTE BOOK was written in Auroville, thanks to SRI AUROBINDO and THE MOTHER's help, for they did compelled me to write it.   I bring it along with me since Times without Time, indeed, but it is NOW the moment to give it out, to whomever wants to receive it.
 It will be our gift, as a sign of Hope.
 Of Faith, in what has been called "The Future".  Or should we say that EVERMORE, that is the one that took us all to this side. And got us into this Destiny's Golden Boat: which is to be erased.  It might be disintegrated, as a soap bubble does, thus only Consciousness ought to remain.


                                     Humility and sincerity
                                               Are the best safeguards,
                              Without them each step is a danger,
                                      With them the victory is certain.

                                                     The Mother      

[1]   "The Life Divine", Sri Aurobindo.  Pondicherry Ashram. India.
[2]   The NEW HUMANITY, will be a better way to make them "fit" into this NEW CONSCIOUSNESS, which "opens up" -once more- in the Planet Gaia.
[3]   The Supramental Manifestation, Sri Aurobindo.  Pondicherry Ashram, India.
[4]   Call Sacred Breath, in the Vedic tradition.
[5]   A length of time that is too long to measure.
[6]   See: Barbara Ann Brennan, "Hands of Light".
[7]  Those are Energetic Center that the subtle body posses.  A Sanskrit term accepted world wide in our days which approaches the Western societies to the East wisdom.  Thanks’ to these "centers" we get connected with the rest of our bodies.  Which are seven, according to the Vedic tradition.
[8]   Teresa of Avila's expression to denominate THE MIND
[9]   The knot of Gordius king of Gordium, which was to be loosened only by the future ruler of Asia: Alexander the Great, sliced through it.
[10]   Therefore.
[11]   Renée Descartes.
[12]   Hindu's sacred texts.
[13]   A name given to the Egyptian god Thoth, by the Neo-Platonist, who regarded him as a teacher of religion, magic and alchemy.
[14] A Persian Prophet who in ancient times was the founder of a religion: Zoroastrianism.
[15]   Especial knowledge of spiritual truths.
[16]   Or Love Divine.  See: The Life Divine.  Sri Aurobindo.  Pondicherry Ashram, India.
[17]   Akasha:  a source of information in other realms of Consciousness, where one get access to the personal story, in different incarnations.   Akasha: The Ether's orbit.  It will be open to those who already went beyond the Fifth Circle of Light, or Consecration Chakra.  The Seven Seal.  The Holy of Holies.  Among other interpretations.
[18]   A Napoleonic era saying attributed to Talleyrand.
[19]   Energetic Centre.  Some times, in ancient philosophies there were called "Churches".  Module that exist in the subtle body -auric body- in each one of the main seventh points that human body has.  A color is assigned to each one of them, as well.  The Primordial Energy, called Kundalini by the Vedas, circulates within these Centers.  The one we are referring to is THE HEART CENTER.  Or Anahata, as the Vedic School called it.
[20]   See: MOTHER'S AGENDA (13 Volumes) transcribed by SATPREM.  L'Institut de Recherches Évolutives, Paris.  "Sri Aurobindo: the Adventure of Consciousness" by SATPREM. 
[21]   They get entangled.  Not even one, they get.
[22]   Ecuador president at that time was Lucio Gutiérrez, who was overthrown short time after he took office, at the beginning of the 3rd. millennium.
[23]  Ver: NIÑOS ÍNDIGO, FUTURO PRESENTE.  Noemí Paymal. Also, Pedagogy 3000. Edit. Ox La-Hun. Bolivia. Noemí Paymal.  ( www.pedagooogia
[24]    The Vedic Philosophy.   Hinduism.  The "Vipasana", from the Budist tradition will as well fit in. The Zen.
[25]     "I come from the Sun."  Flavio Cabobianco. Argentina.
[26]   Let's say it is the AURA.  But it is, also, the SUPERIOR MIND.

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